Why is my book unavailable on Bookwire?

If your book isn’t appearing on Bookwire, there are a few potential reasons. Here are the most common issues and how you can resolve them:

1. Processing Time

It can take up to 5 days for your book to show up on Bookwire after submission. If you’ve submitted your book recently, it may still be processing, which is normal. Delays typically resolve themselves without the need for further action.

2. Inactive Title Status

Your book might not be listed because it’s marked as inactive. Common inactive statuses include:

  • Inactive
  • No longer our product
  • Out of print
  • Out of Stock Indefinitely
  • Postponed Publication
  • Cancelled
  • Recalled
  • Remaindered
  • Temporarily Withdrawn
  • Withdrawn

How to verify and correct:

  1. Log in to our portal and navigate to your book under the “Books” page.
  2. Scroll down to the “Title Status” section and make sure it’s set to “Active.”
  3. If it’s inactive, click the pencil icon to update the status to “Active.”
  4. Allow up to 5 days for the change to take effect on Bookwire.

3. Non-Latin Characters in Title or Subtitle

Bookwire only supports Latin characters. If your title or subtitle contains non-Latin characters, it won’t be listed.

How to fix this:

If your title or subtitle needs to be changed due to non-Latin characters, reach out to our support team for assistance.

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