Can I get a refund?

If you find yourself unsatisfied with our service, you have the option to apply for a refund. Please keep in mind that you can only request a refund within 14 days after making the purchase. During this timeframe, if your book's details have not been submitted to Bookwire yet, you are eligible for a refund. This means you must have received the ISBN, but the book's information should not have been finalized and sent to Bowker Bookwire.

Once your book's details are submitted to Bookwire, the ISBN becomes associated with your book, and refunds won't be possible. We strive to address your concerns promptly, so if you meet the refund criteria within the designated timeframe, please contact our customer support team through the chat to initiate the process.

Please note that our refund policy is specific to our ISBN service. We do not issue refunds for any other services provided.

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