What is the difference between the title statuses?

When you're registering your book with us, it's important to understand the different title statuses you can assign to your book. Each status reflects a specific stage in the life cycle of a book. Here's an explanation of each:

  1. Active Record: This status indicates that your book is actively being published and is available for sale. It's the most common status for books that are currently in print and being distributed.
  2. Forthcoming: Use this status for books that are scheduled for publication in the future. It signifies that the book is not yet available, but will be published and released on a specific future date.
  3. Import to Order: This status is used for books that are not regularly stocked but can be ordered from another country or source. It’s common for specialized or international titles.
  4. Inactive: This indicates that the book is no longer being actively marketed or distributed, although it might still be available in some channels. It's not formally out of print, but it's not being actively promoted.
  5. No longer our product: Use this status if your book was previously available under your publishing company but is now being published and sold by a different publisher or entity.
  6. On Demand: This status is for books that are printed only when an order is received. It's commonly used in print-on-demand (POD) publishing.
  7. Out of Print: This means the book is no longer being printed and is not available for sale through regular channels. This status is typically used when the publisher decides not to reprint the book.
  8. Out of Stock Indefinitely: Similar to out of print, but it suggests there might be a possibility of the book coming back into stock, although there are no current plans for a reprint.
  9. Postponed: Use this for a book whose publication has been delayed. It differs from "Forthcoming" in that the book was meant to be published already but has been delayed for some reason.
  10. Publication Cancelled: This status is used when a book that was scheduled for release has been cancelled and will not be published at all.
  11. Recalled: This is a rare status used when a book is withdrawn from the market due to significant errors, legal issues, or safety concerns.
  12. Remaindered: This status indicates that the unsold inventory of the book is being sold off at a reduced price. It usually happens when a book is moving toward going out of print.
  13. Temporarily Withdrawn from Sale: This status is used for books that have been temporarily pulled from the market, possibly due to revisions, legal disputes, or other temporary issues.
  14. Unknown: This is used when the status of the book is not currently clear. It might be a placeholder status until more information is available.
  15. Unspecified: Similar to "Unknown," this status is used when the specific status of the book hasn't been determined or disclosed.
  16. Withdrawn: This indicates that the book has been permanently withdrawn from the market and is no longer available for sale.

Each of these statuses helps buyers, retailers, and libraries understand the availability and lifecycle stage of your book, so it's important to choose the one that most accurately reflects your book's current state.

Impact of Inactive Statuses

If your book is assigned any of the inactive statuses—such as Inactive, Out of Print, Out of Stock Indefinitely, Publication Cancelled, Recalled, Temporarily Withdrawn from Sale, or Withdrawn—it's important to understand that these designations will affect its visibility on platforms like Bookwire. Books marked with these statuses are considered not actively marketed or available for distribution. As a result, they will not be visible or searchable on Bookwire. 

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