I can't find the right genre

Finding the right genre in our list of genres could be hard. We agree that there's not always a perfect genre for every book. Even though we agree, the list is set by Bowker and we do not have any control over it.

When it comes to categorizing your book, it's not uncommon to feel like none of the genres fit perfectly. Sometimes, your story may contain elements that don't neatly fit into a single (or two) category. However, it's important to choose a genre that comes as close as possible to your book's content.

AI-enabled Genre Recognition Tool

At our platform, we understand the struggle of categorizing your book and have developed a helpful tool to assist you. Introducing our Genre Recognition tool, powered by artificial intelligence. This innovative tool takes into account your book's metadata and analyzes its key attributes to determine the most suitable genre.

To take advantage of this tool, all you need to do is log in to our portal, navigate to the Tools page, and click on "Try this tool" under the Genre Recognition Tool. It's a quick and easy way to find the genre that best represents your book.

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